Saturday, July 18, 2009

Your Participation in Our "Career Mentorship Symposium"

Greetings Potential Discussion Group Leader:

A couple of months ago, my disheartenment with the continuous unemployment of numerous members of our LinkedIn Downtown San Francisco Networking Group finally got the best of me. So I decided to organize an employment symposium in order to discern whether or not our members were well equipped to meet the challenges presented in this economic debacle that we are all experiencing. You can read today's official LinkedIn Blog for more information regarding how we came about securing the location, logistics, etc. for this event.

I am writing to you for a couple of reasons, either you have expressed interest in wanting to be a panelist, or based on what I know, you would be a good presenter. We have decided to retreat from an educational type seminar where panelists would be in front of a large audience, have 5 mins to present on a topic, and answer questions. Instead, we are going to have mentors/coaches (i.e. YOU) sit at a round table with about 8 job seekers and have an informal discussion on a particular subject matter. This initial symposium's attendance will be limited to 75 people total, however, Golden Gate University has asked us to host the symposium every quarter to allow others to attend and lead a group in the future.

The Roundtable Discussions will last for 20 minutes and then individuals will rotate to a different topic. The goal is for job seekers to have more face time with a recruiter and to really understand what they are doing right and wrong. Below, please find some of the topics that we accumulated:

  • Attention to detail
  • What are some of the most egregious resume faux paus, i.e. "references available upon request"
  • Using social networking
  • How to prepare for an interview?
  • How to research employers?
  • What impresses/annoys hiring managers?
  • How to handle following up before/after interview?
  • What are the differences with dealing with recruiters vs. in-house hiring managers?
  • How do you adopt the attitude of providing something to the employer as opposed to the employer providing something to the applicant?
  • How do you dress for an interview?
  • Does a firm handshake, etc. really matter?
Here is the proposed agenda:

We are planning a two hour program. Here is the breakdown:

a.) 15 min for everyone to get their lunch and to find a seat;
b.) 10 min - Welcome, introduction of sponsors and panelists;
c.) 60 min (3 x 20 min sessions) - group lead discussions on resume writing, attire, interview tips, etc.)
d.) 10 min - Closing, disbursement of resource materials/goodie bags
e.) 25 min - Mini Career Fair

Please confirm by 5pm, Wednesday, July 22, 2009 whether or not you are available August 13, 2009 from 12pm-2pm, and can come to Golden Gate University in Downtown San Francisco. If so, please indicate your top 2 topics that you would like to lead. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

Very truly yours,

LinkedIn Downtown SF Networking Group

Kevin L. Nichols
KLN Publishing, LLC
"Eclectic writing in its simplicity..."
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