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Media Contact:
Kevin L. Nichols
KLN Publishing, LLC
(775) 255-4573
The LinkedIn Downtown SF Networking Group’s 3rd Career Mentorship Symposium: Sponsored by Golden Gate University and KLN Publishing, LLC.
(July 23, 2010 – San Francisco, California). Have you been on countless interviews since the economy imploded but still are unable to get an offer? Are you an executive, director, manager, or supervisor looking for opportunities that you are over qualified for? Could you use a crash course in resume writing, interviewing tips, or assistance with some of the intangibles, such as using social networking to obtain your next job? If you answered yes to any of these questions and/or know of someone who can, then you should attend the 3rd Career Mentorship and Entrepreneurship Symposium brought to you by the LinkedIn Downtown SF Networking Group.
The Career Mentorship Symposium was created by Kevin L. Nichols, founder and moderator of the group and President of KLN Publishing, LLC., to address the number of group members who had been laid off and/or unemployed for 10 months to a year. Please visit LinkedIn’s blog at http://blog.linkedin.com/2009/ 07/16/kevin-nichols-organize- networking-events-for-free- using-your-linkedin-network/ to learn more about how the event was organized and visit http://cbs5.com/video/?id= 60996@kpix.dayport.com for an interview with KPIX CBS 5 regarding same.
The symposium is comprised of 3, 20 minute modules of 7-10 person round-tables, lead by either an in-house corporate recruiter and/or principal at an outside staffing firm on various topics such as resume writing tips, interviewing faux paus, proper etiquette and dress - do’s and don’ts, and using aggressive strategies such as social networking to create job opportunities. Recently, CNN Money featured the symposium in the following article http://money.cnn.com/2009/11/ 11/news/economy/_networking/ index.htm.
Since the economy has changed dramatically within the last 3 years, so has the funding market. This panel of entrepreneurs/VC/Angel Investors will discuss the investing climate as it is today, what documents are necessary for investors to take entrepreneurs seriously, what factors are considered when evaluating a venture, and what resources people may avail themselves of in order to prepare for the process. Entrepreneurs Ralph Marx, Tom Cervantez, and Boku Kodama will be our featured panelists.
The Career Mentorship & Entrepreneurship Symposium will take place Friday, August 6, 2010, from noon to 5:30pm, at Golden Gate University. In order to attend, you must join the LinkedIn Downtown SF Networking Group by visiting http://ggu.eventbrite.com and visit the group’s discussion thread for the link to RSVP. For more information, please visit the group’s blog at http://linkedindowntownsf. blogspot.com.
Since the economy has changed dramatically within the last 3 years, so has the funding market. This panel of entrepreneurs/VC/Angel Investors will discuss the investing climate as it is today, what documents are necessary for investors to take entrepreneurs seriously, what factors are considered when evaluating a venture, and what resources people may avail themselves of in order to prepare for the process. Entrepreneurs Ralph Marx, Tom Cervantez, and Boku Kodama will be our featured panelists.
The Career Mentorship & Entrepreneurship Symposium will take place Friday, August 6, 2010, from noon to 5:30pm, at Golden Gate University. In order to attend, you must join the LinkedIn Downtown SF Networking Group by visiting http://ggu.eventbrite.com and visit the group’s discussion thread for the link to RSVP. For more information, please visit the group’s blog at http://linkedindowntownsf.
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